How to Fix Your Funnel 2 Day Mastermind
Why Mastermind with Fix Your Funnel?
In 2006 I joined my first mastermind.
I joined because I had a lot of respect for the guy that was leading the mastermind. He had introduced me to Direct Response Marketing and Marketing Automation.
What I would learn over the months I participated in that mastermind was that if it were not for the guy leading it, I would have got jack squat out of the experience.
In other words, the quality of any mastermind is determined by who leads it and who attends it.
Do they get it?
Mastermind Quality Matters
The Fix Your Funnel Mastermind benefits from both essential elements of mastermind quality.
First, I (Ryan Chapman), personally run the mastermind. I do this to make sure that we don't waste time talking about things that won't move the needle for your business.
BTW, if you don't know anything about me, you should not attend. And for that matter, why would you want to?
Second, I evaluate each person who wants to attend and verify that they and their business are in the right position to be a match for the mastermind. Sometimes that means a mastermind session is pretty small. But if I didn't turn folks away, then you would feel like I did in that first mastermind...
Frustrated that anyone willing to pony up the dough got a seat at the table.
How Much Does the Mastermind Cost?
Yes, the mastermind carries a cost. I've got too much going on to give away two days. That being said, I'm still taking a hit at the current price, but I don't mind so long as you're a Fix Your Funnel user. Yeah, I figure if I can make your business even more profitable, then you probably won't want to stop doing what makes you money which will undoubtably involve being a Fix Your Funnel user.
The Mastermind will cost you $1,500.
If you're interested you click the button in the bottom right corner of the screen and tell my team you would like to attend. They will take a $500 fully refundable deposit and let me know you're interested. Then we will chat and I'll verify you are in the position you need to be to benefit most from the mastermind.
Mastermind Conditions
To attend the mastermind you need to have a business that produces a profit (I'll define a profit as being the money that's left over after expenses have been deducted not including your income) over $150K, with revenues over $500K and a team of at least one other person besides yourself.
Just because you meet these requirements doesn't mean you'll be admitted, but you need to meet these as a minimum.
Then you and I will have a chat where I'll learn more about your situation and why you want to attend. This gives me a chance to assemble a mastermind that includes compatible and not competing individuals.
Required Reading Before the Mastermind
Before you can even attend you must read two of my books:
- How to Fix Your Funnel ($5)
- The Messaging Connection ($10)
Both are available on Amazon, if you don't already have them.
I require both of those books to be read because they give you a baseline understanding of the methodologies we use at Fix Your Funnel to help business owners discover and exploit latent opportunities in their business.
It's not uncommon for a doubling or tripling of revenues and profits as a result of the mastermind experience.
What You Should Know About My Ideals in Business
I believe that part of being on this planet is we must work.
I believe that if you have to work, you might as well do work that pays you as much as possible.
I believe that you can organize your business to serve you (instead of what most businesses do; consume the owner).
I believe that autonomy is a major priority.
I love business. I love talking about it. I love building them. I love helping the brave souls who chose to be in business.
I believe that not all business models are equal. Some lend themselves to autonomy better than others.
I've run businesses from behind the scenes and in the front. Both allow for autonomy when done right.
I've run email heavy businesses.
I've run email light businesses.
I've run businesses that sell one to many in person.
I've run businesses that sell exclusively online.
I've run businesses that sell through networks created through positioning and authority.
I don't see technological limits. I can see paths to doing just about anything that a business requires, but I have the wisdom to know what routes don't produce the result that gurus tell the unwashed masses will produce the result.
The flow of the mastermind is tailored to the group present.
Step one is always identifying expectations. What is it that you want to leave the mastermind with?
Step two is validating that what you want is going to give you what you believe it will. This validation is probably the most important thing that will happen. And the method we use to validate will help you in the future for as long as you are in business.
Step three is to work on exploiting the opportunity that you identified before coming or during the validation process.
Step four is to solidify your game plan so that you have 100% clarity on what needs to be done to make the mastermind a success.
If you've attended any other mastermind you know that as much benefit as may come from working on your business may be gained from the discussions about the other businesses discussed in the group.
When is the Next Session?
December 9th-10th 2019
Lehi, Utah
To learn more, click the button in the bottom right corner and chat with my team. If this date doesn't work for you, let the team know when you are looking to attend as we schedule sessions, in part to accommodate interest.