Slack Bot for Infusionsoft

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Let Infusionsoft Talk to Slack

With the Slack Bot Funnel Bot from Fix Your Funnel you can give Infusionsoft a voice.

No longer will Infusionsoft be a silent automation machine, but an interactive member of your team. By allowing Infusionsoft to communicate with your team via Slack, your team can stay in the loop with the powerful automation happening inside Infusionsoft.

Stop wondering what's happening in the background...

One of the nerve racking parts of turning over parts of your business to automation is the lack of clarity about what's happening silently in the background. Slack Bot opens up the communication channel between Infusionsoft and the real people who make up your team. This inspires confidence in your team to use Infusionsoft. It's especially powerful for sales people who are naturally and understandably concerned about automated messaging. With Slack Bot they can have confidence they'll be kept in the loop and know when it's their turn to interact with the prospect.

Know when your marketing is working...

It's great to set it and forget it, but as business owners we want to know the machine is operating properly. Since you can't see your Infusionsoft automation machine, Slack Bot makes it easy to get evidence that everything is operating as it should, giving you peace of mind.

Slack Bot is a Funnel Bot. Funnel Bots are included in our SMS and One Click Up Sell services or...

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