Start Using Pixels Now

how to fix your funnel

Start Using Pixels Now

Show Notes

  • What does it mean to "pixelize" a visitor? Pixels are used to track people who have visited your site and allow you to tailor your marketing toward their interests.
  • Facebook is the most powerful leveraging tool for utilizing pixels right now.
  • You can set up an ad account with Facebook, (you can do a Google search on how to set up a FB ads account). Then go the audience section and you will find a pixel.
  • A pixel is code that includes javascript and an image.  You will copy and paste the code into your website.
  • If you don’t have a website you can start with Wordpress which is fairly simple to set up.
  • You can paste analytics code into your website. This is where you will put your FB code.
  • Then each time someone visits your website Facebook will identify your user.
  • This person will then be associated with a group that you can then market to.
  • You can isolate different groups of people based on what pages they’ve visited, etc.
  • Once you pixel someone, then you can follow up with them even if they don’t take the action you want them to take on your website.
  • If they watch a YouTube video you hosted on your blog or an article you wrote, then they will be tagged as using your pixel.
  • The FB pixel will allow you to re-market to them based on the interest that brought them to your website in the first place.
  • You can always start marketing later, but you can’t go back and use pixels. You will want to start "pixelizing" your visitors now so you won’t miss an opportunity to grow your audience.

Transcription of Episode

[00:00:00] Hello, this is Ryan Chapman from Fix Your Funnel and today, I'm going to talk about, what does it mean to pixelize a website visitor? If you got the last podcast and you heard us talking about what a lead is, and in that we mentioned what it means to to pixelize somebody so you can follow up with them later. I want to go a little bit deeper into this so that you know what it is.

Chances are, you've been at a conference or you've been in some training or you've heard somebody on a podcast talk about pixelizing a visitor and you just shook your head and said, yes, and maybe you didn't really know what that meant. What it means, in my specific situation, I'm going to refer to Facebook because this is what the most powerful platforms I think that you need to be leveraging right now, and to pixelize a visitor in Facebook terms means, you set up an ads account with Facebook.

Anybody can do this. I'm not going to go through the details of that because, number one, we're just talking and it's gonna be hard to show you. I want you to just do a quick research on or Google search on how do I set up a Facebook ads account and then you'll be able to figure it out. It's not too difficult.

[00:01:00] Once you get that ads account, you're going to go into the audiences section and in there's a place where you can find a pixel. A pixel is a little bit of code that includes some JavaScript and then an image thing, that you don't necessarily need to worry about. What it does is, its code that you're going to want to copy and then paste into your website.

If you don't have a website currently, I recommend just starting with WordPress because it's super simple, brain-dead easy, and anybody can set one up. If you don't know how to set one up, you can probably pay 5-10 bucks and have somebody set one up. A lot of hosts will automatically do that with the push of a button, so it's no excuse to not have a website.

But when you have a website and you have something like WordPress, there will be a place where you can place some analytics code. That's where I would stick my Facebook code. Once you've got your Facebook code in there, what's going to happen is every time somebody visits your website, Facebook is going to be looking for some sort of identifier that shows that this person is a Facebook user. Believe me, Facebook identifies all their users. Because of that, [00:02:00] they're going to be able to now associate that person into a group that you're going to be able to target with marketing on Facebook.

This is how we do some basic remarketing to people who have come onto our website. We can then isolate different groups of those website visitors based on which pages they visited and number of different other characteristics that are available to you as a Facebook advertiser. That's what it means to pixelize somebody and when you pixelize them, that means you're going to be able to follow up with them. Even if they don't take the action that you want them to take on that webpage, or maybe they just come to an article, maybe they did a Google search and they found an article that you would posted, and they visited that, or maybe they watched a YouTube video that you hosted on your blog, which I recommend you do, and they watch it there, at that point they'll become pixelized with the Facebook pixel, which means now you're going to be able to re-market them and talk to them based on the interest that brought them to your website in the first place.

Get started with pixeling [00:03:00] your website visitors, because you can always start marketing later, but you can't go back in time start pixelizing later. Even if you're not ready to do Facebook marketing, get your pixel, put it on your website, start getting those people into a group that you're going to be able to target in the future. This is Ryan Chapman with Fix Your Funnel. Keep on moving forward.