What Does a Good Sales Experience Look Like?

how to fix your funnel

What Does a Good Sales Experience Look Like?

Show Notes

  • Many people think sales is getting other people’s money into your pocket.
  • Take concern for the person you are selling to.
  • Put their needs first in terms of your sales process by asking yourself, "What hurdles is this person facing?" If you do this, people will trust you and do what you ask them to do.
  • The level of trust someone puts in you will determine how well they will follow your instructions. In order to be successful, you have to be able to earn the trust of the person you are working with.
  • Ask yourself, "How can I help this person discover what they are really after?" Then if your product or service can satisfy this need, you will then need to be able to show them that this is the case.
  • Keep your focus on determining what it is potential customers are trying to accomplish, and what obstacles are preventing them. It will be then be easy to guide them if what you are offering is a match.
  • People will know that you have thought about what they are going through and you have taken the time to come up with a solution that addresses it.
  • Come at sales with the perspective of diagnosing what potential clients are trying to accomplish and what is keeping them from getting there. Then show them how what you have will get them there.
  • Sales will begin to feel like helping rather than selling because you will be giving people the guidance they need.
  • Customers will enjoy investing in your business because they will have confidence they are going to get the result they are going for.
  • If you can deliver on your promises you will have successful sales.
  • Focus on the customer first. Pay attention to what they are trying to accomplish and then you will have not only great profits, but great referrals as well.
  • Text CLAIM to (760) 621-8199 to get more information about the "Claim Your Life Back" event.

Transcription of Episode

[00:00:00] This is Ryan Chapman with Fix Your Funnel and in today's episode, we're going to be talking about what sales really is and what it ought to be, at least, in order for you to have it be a pleasant experience and a profitable experience for all involved.

Many people think that sales is, it goes back to that quote and I forget right now who was that said it, but that it's getting your money out of somebody else's pocket. When you approach it that way, you're going about it entirely wrong. In fact, people are going to pick up on it, and it's not going to be a pleasant experience.

I recall early in my entrepreneurial career or, even though I wasn't working for myself entirely, I was selling somebody else's product, they encouraged me to do a number of sales-ey techniques. Those are the techniques that nobody really likes, that feel a little bit slimy. I just couldn't bring myself to do it because it just felt wrong.

I naturally fell into what turned out to be the [00:01:00] best approach possible, which is, take concern for the person that you're selling to. The person that you're selling to, if you put their needs, this doesn't mean that you don't accept payment, that you don't accept the value that you're creating in the marketplace, but if you put their needs first in terms of your sales process, which is, what is it that this person is really trying to accomplish? What hurdles are they really facing that are preventing them from getting the outcome that they want? You're gonna find that people, number one, they're gonna be able to trust you and, number two, they're going to do what you ask them to do.

If you ever been in a coaching situation, meaning you're trying to guide somebody to some outcome, whether that's in sports or in business, then what you know is the level of trust that they put in you will determine how well they follow your instructions. You can have the best instructions in the world, but if the person you're coaching doesn't trust your capability to guide them, your instructions will fall on deaf ears and they will not get better at what they're trying to get better at.

In [00:02:00] order for you to be successful as a coach, you have to be able to gain the trust of the person that you're working with. In order for you to be successful in sales, it's the exact same Paradigm. I want you to think about, as you approach sales, how is it that I can help the person I'm working with discover what it is that they really are after and then be able to show them if my product or service will actually resolve and help them get to what they're trying to get to? Show them that that's the case.

If you take the time, and I finished up the last podcast talking about this with marketing, marketing and sales are closely intertwined, and they ought to be actually doing quite a ballet together. If you understand the concept we explained in the last podcast, you're going to know that, in sales, if you keep your focus on determining what it is that they're trying to accomplish and what are the obstacles that are preventing them, it's going to be very easy for you to guide them, if what you offer is a match. They're going to know that you [00:03:00] understand their problem better than they do. They're going to know that you've thought about what they're going through and you've taken the time to come up with a solution that actually addresses it.

As you're coming at sales, come at it from a perspective of, how do I diagnose what it is that this person is trying to accomplish and what's keeping them from getting there and then show them how what I have will help them get to their goal, you won't have any problem selling. In fact, the selling will feel a lot like just helping because you're going to be giving people the guidance that they need. And, guess what? The people that you take through that process are going to enjoy investing their money in your business because they're going to have confidence that they're going to get the result that they're going for.

It still is left up to you to deliver on the promises you made in marketing and that you confirmed in sales, but if you can deliver on your promises, you're going to have a very, very profitable business. Make sure, in your sales, that you focus on the [00:04:00] customer first, pay attention to what they're actually trying to accomplish instead of just trying to get them to do what you want and, if you do that, I guarantee not only will you have great sales and great profits, but you'll have great referrals because people have such a pleasant experience they're going to want to blab about it. This is Ryan Chapman with Fix Your Funnel. Keep moving forward.