Who Should You Call?

how to fix your funnel

Who Should You Call?


One of the things that I learned in basketball, and I like to play basketball, I'm 6' 7", so I had to do basketball or volleyball or at least paint ceilings.

And so I liked basketball, and one of the things you learn in basketball is that you don't cover everybody on the opposite team with the same amount of defense.

You want to actually focus your defense slightly towards the more successful players, those who can make shots.

If you take your defense on basketball and you apply it evenly across the other team, you're going to get smoked. That means you're going to lose.

They're going to score points on you because your defense can't be 100% equal. It's got to be weighted towards the most aggressive player or the best player.

It's the same way with your leads.

You can't treat every prospect or lead the exact same. You have to weight it towards those who show that they are most interested.

The great thing about automation is it gives you a [00:01:00] chance to kind of track activity that's happening. What you want to do is make sure that when you're tracking that activity, you're using activity not just to see what's going on, but to inform decisions.

One of the decisions you need to decide is, who is worthy of a phone call?

If you applied Marketing Rule #19, then you've set yourself up for success in the first place and you've gathered a phone number so that you would have the ability to sell by phone or by text.

Before we decide who gets a text or a phone call to engage in a conversation, you need to know, is this person acting like someone who is ready for a phone call?

Calling people who aren't ready for a phone calls a waste of resources.

Your most expensive resource actually isn't the technology or the cents you're paying per minute for a phone call or a text message, it's your Human Resources.

You want to allocate human resources to the place where they're going to do the most good.

You don't want to just call every lead that comes in, unless you don't have very many leads. But if you have a bunch of leads, you want to call those who have demonstrated by their actions that they are [00:02:00] most interested in having a conversation with somebody on your team.

That's why, if you go back to my last video, if you will create little mechanisms in your company that allow people to demonstrate that they're interested in having a conversation, and maybe that's by asking an open-ended question through a text message and inviting people to respond back.

That's a surefire way that you should be having conversation with that person if they respond.

But also, maybe it's just they click and watch a video and they watch enough of it.

Maybe you're using a video tracking tool to be able to see, "Oh, did they watch five minutes of my seven minute video? Okay, well maybe that person is ready for a phone call or pre-call text message that's sent before the phone call saying, 'Hey, this is Ryan. I'm going to be calling you in a few minutes to just follow up about this particular topic,'" which should be related to whatever their activity was.

That way when you do call, they're going to answer the call.

Or, if you were really smart and you really thought through Marketing Rule #19, you sent a contact [00:03:00] card early on in your interaction with the contact and through that, they got your contact information installed so that when you do call, your logo shows up or your picture shows up and your name.

That way they know exactly who you are. And, if they just watched your video and now someone from your team is calling, well, that's easy.

It's easier for them to answer the phone and say, "Hey, actually, I did have a question," or, "Actually, I am interested, but there are some things I'm concerned about. Can you help me overcome those concerns?"

They won't say just like that, but that's what they're trying to do.

When you understand that, when you understand that you don't play defense equally across all players on the court and, in the same way, you don't call or spend human resources equally across the business playing field, you will then do better because you're going to allocate your limited resources in a way that's gonna be most effective.

Hopefully this seems like a, "Well, duh, Ryan. That's obvious."

Because if it does, that means that we are speaking the same language and you're right on the right page.

If this sparks some thoughts for you, that's fantastic too because [00:04:00] that means it's something you hadn't considered and now that could actually do really well for you.

If this sounded interesting and you want to learn more concepts like this, I wrote a book called The Messaging Connection and I want to give it to you for free.

I want to give you a digital or audio copy, both of them come together. You just need to text LEARN to 949-835-5300.

So, if you will text the word LEARN to that number, 949-835-5300, I'll send you a digital copy, it's a PDF copy of my book, as well as an audio copy.

You get the hear me read it out loud to you, if that's what you prefer to do instead of reading.

But, I want you to have the PDF version as well because there's some plays in there.

Just like in basketball, you have plays in order to help you score, I've got some plays in that book that will show you how to be able to actually connect with people in the way that they want and, when you do that, you're gonna have more success.

Hope that helps you. It's something that I know has been really helpful to me and Trent as we've been developing our [00:05:00] businesses is that ability to recognize that not all prospects are equal, some prospects are more ready than others, and maybe in my next video I'll talk about the fruit tree so you can understand that concept in more depth.

Alright, have a great day!