25 Steps to the Perfect Pre-Appointment Video With Oli Billson

education oli billson podcasting process ryan chapman webinar

25 Steps to the Perfect Pre-Video With Oli Billson

Transcription of Episode

[00:00:00] Ryan Chapman: This is Ryan Chapman's Fix Your Funnel, and I'm really excited for today's conversation with an oldie but a goodie. Not that you're old, Oli, although you are. I think your birthday's tomorrow, right?

Oli Billson: Tomorrow. Yes.

Ryan Chapman: So, but Oli Billson's been with us before. If you've listened to past episodes of the podcast, you know that Oli's a favorite of mine and so we frequently chat. And today though in particular, I got an email recently from all the, yes, I do check emails. Not very many people are on my list. You know, a lot of them get filtered out but Oli is one of them. And he sent an email, he talked about his 25 steps, right?

Oli Billson: That's right. Yeah.

Ryan Chapman: 25 step video. Dang it. When you hear 25, you may be overwhelmed a little bit, but once you see the list, which I posted in our Fix Your Funnel user group, to share with them, with Oli's permission, you know, it's, it's a great list for people 'cause Oli you've been doing video for how long?

[00:01:00] Oli Billson: Well, I think it's probably like seven, eight years maybe. It goes back a long time. In fact, just side note, I actually just caught myself. Somebody sent me a video all of me, probably like way back then when, you know, smartphone cameras probably weren't as good as they are now and stuff with the video on them. And I'm not even sure, I think it was recorded on something different than that. It could have been like one of the first digital SLRs that have like, you know, video. And it was like literally the worst ever video of me doing a face to camera video. And if anybody thought I can't do video, it would be a good thing to show them to, to see what I do now. And they see me on stage and they see me on video and then they saw me back there and it was quite stark contrast.

Ryan Chapman: I think that's the big point is that for some people it's very intimidating. I think there's two kinds of general people in this context. There are people that are super unaware. So they just record, whatever, they don't even think about [00:02:00] it, right? These are the people that tend to be pretty successful on video because they don't even think about it too much. And then there's the rest of us who maybe think a little too much about it. And so we need some guidelines, some helps to get us to be able to create a useful video. I think I've almost gotten too comfortable, and so I'm kind of trying to stake a step back and be a little more methodical. Because I'll just record a video real quick and then throw it up. And sometimes after I listened to it, I'm like, ah, I could probably do a better job. But I like this framework that you give. And what we want to do in this episode is go through your 25 steps. Obviously we want to spend the same amount of time on every step, cause some steps, you know, deserve more time than others. But would you mind walking us through this? And before you do that, they'll give us a context. What is this video for? Cause this isn't just a general, you know, 25 steps to a great video. This is for a specific type of video. What's the content?

Oli Billson: Well, I know that we've spoken about it on the podcast, and for those of [00:03:00] and listening that might not have heard me before. Hi, nice to meet you virtually. If you haven't, heard some of the previous episodes with me about the Phone Funnel Framework that's probably worthwhile, it's worthwhile for context in this to go back and listen to that, because there's a lot of good information there around how we predictably, consistently, reliably attract leads and turn them into qualified sales appointments using Facebook, specifically using Fix Your Yunnel and a very specific process to be able to do that. Definitely go ahead and do that. But, this particular video that we're talking about is a video that you have in your sales funnel or your sales process that you can use to be able to turn the viewer or the visitor into a qualified sales conversation and to actually [00:04:00] take them, get them to take the next step from just merely watching the video and consuming the video to taking the next logical step in your process, which for most people is to actually go and complete either.

An application online, so some form of survey. On the back of that assessment, that survey, they are then going and booking a call autonomously with a online scheduling tool like Calendly or Schedule One or Acuity or whatever you use, Appointment Call, to be able to do that. There is some nuance to it. When you first get started with this, I was actually advise people they need to get good at having sales conversations. So I actually usually advise people to put the scheduling tool as the first step and then have the application after the schedule. And the reason why I do that is because you can make that your priority of just getting people booked onto your calendar so you can [00:05:00] have more sales conversations. That then allows you to learn more about what people want, what they need, what you're hearing from them to then allow you to change the conversation. That's quite important. Yeah.

Ryan Chapman: Yeah. Well, what that is though, that that's, if you're new to this process, you haven't had a bunch of sales conversations. You don't know what you should be doing to qualify and filter people, then don't put the filter before. Right. 'Cause you don't know what to ask. So you know, if you're using it to qualify people, absolutely do not have that first. You know, get some people on the phone, talk to them. If you can do that.

Oli Billson: The other thing is with it as well, like there's probably three steps to it. One is just put the cab, the scheduling tool there, then always make sure that after they schedule that they go to some sort of survey or application so that you can gather more information, profile information before you actually speak to them. So that's the first thing. One of the questions that's usually on that application is indicative of whether or not they're [00:06:00] actually qualified for us. It's, for most business owners, there's probably gonna be one or two questions that allow you to very easily spot people that you should not actually have a call with, but typically I just tell people when they first get started, speak to everybody, and then the next step, the next layer is cancel calls that are not qualified. Then the third step is put the actual application before the schedule so that you're only speaking to people that've actually completed and are qualified through the assessment process.

Ryan Chapman: Yeah. I think that's a really important flow for people who aren't currently having regular sales conversations by appointment. For folks that are, they can go ahead and jump to that, so the last step, I think frequently, because they already know who they want to talk to and who they don't. They maybe haven't done the valuation on it, you know, cause I know there's a ton of people that just like, I'll just take whatever I can get because they have flaws in their process that prevent them from having enough conversations, but they've had enough to know what to do and so they put [00:07:00] that first. But for those that haven't, you have to go through the process, Oli just walked through. Otherwise you're going to waste a lot of time and money.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And also the reason why I wanted to just start with that was because a lot of the things that we're going to be talking about, it is about you knowing the, the pain, the problem, the challenge, the frustration, the fear that's in the mind of the person that's watching your video. And a lot of people think that they can get that information by kind of, you know, it can manifest in some way, just coming to them, that we can make assumptions about our ideal avatar or persona, which of course we can do. Demographics, psychographics, stuff. But really, there's nothing quite like listening back to a hundred sales calls that's been had and really listening in to what people are actually saying and then iterating that on the front end message.

Ryan Chapman: Yeah, and so I guess if people haven't picked up on it by now, the purpose of this video is [00:08:00] to prepare people to have a good discussion on the appointment, to come prepared to have the best appointment possible for us.

Oli Billson: Exactly. Yeah. So, you know, we want the most qualified people speaking to us. We want to be able to tell people, you know, you know, really what we wan t, you know, who we're looking to work with and we're going to get into that and why, how we do that. But also who we also don't work with as well. Which is also an important process.

Ryan Chapman: You know, Oli I really agree with the premise of this video. But in the past, I've advised people just don't worry about the video. Just do, you know if we already know what the questions are, let's go straight into assessment and then appointment, which can work, and it works actually pretty well, but it'll work even better with this video just because the video can be so intimidating. And you know, to be honest, I haven't really put in a ton of thought to it. Once I read your 25 steps, I'm like, well, this is brilliant. This is perfect.

Oli Billson: Yeah. Well also for those [00:09:00] people like, well I can tell you is that like what Ryan just said, he's very instructive as well is if you've got a new offer, and what I mean by an offer is something that your advertising from paid advertising in some way, you've got some sort of laid back net whatever, from ads. That laid back net might be a very well written ad or video ad that is then getting people to actually. The offer is actually to, to book an assessment that is actually the value that you're providing. The thing that that can do is generate a lot of appointments, but sometimes what it can also do is that some people would show up to the call and, you know, you were either trying to move people too quickly through the process, or you're trying to sell to people right off the bat. And it's a really a talk to call close process because you're actually doing a proper assessment on the call. And that's the value. And we have that where we've tried that in some markets and people were like, I don't, I really don't know [00:10:00] what I'm showing up to. Which is one of the, one of the reasons why the, the thing that if you can, going through the process that we're gonna talk about here, is as important.

Ryan Chapman: A better quality of appointment if you have this video, that's the whole claim.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. Because cost of leads don't really matter at all. You know? And that doesn't, that's not the thing that interests me. The thing that interests me is a cost of qualified sales appointment. That's the most, that is the metric, the number that we optimize for in our funnel. Supposing that you have to have a conversation with somebody in order to be able to sell to them. Then the one metric we ultimately optimize for from advertising is what's the cost of a qualified sales conversation. And that, by the way, is an actual conversation. We're not talking about assessments being booked. We're not talking about cold [00:11:00] calls that to being booked from somebody's diary. We're actually talking about the true cost of somebody actually showing up to speak to a human on the phone because those two things are very different from each other.

Ryan Chapman: Okay. Well, what's step 1? I think we got a good context there.

Oli Billson: So, I think probably the first thing we need to set the stage as well for like the way that this video is constructed, and there's a number of ways to do that. The simple, easiest and quickest way for everybody who's listening to this to actually do this type of video is with the tools that they already have and that's going to be with PowerPoint or Keynote. You should really be a Mac user, but you know, using Keynote or maybe Google Slides, and you are doing the, doing this with you speaking over the slides and doing a screen recording with ScreenFlow or Camtasia and you're speaking into a microphone and you're taking people through the video, through the slides. And that's what they're seeing as the output of the actual [00:12:00] video that's going to come out of this. Those slides don't have to be fancy at all. It helps for you to have some form of graphics or sometimes illustrate things. But that's the first way and the easiest way.

The second way is to do this actually with a whiteboard or a flip chart where you are filming a face to camera video and you're using these 25 steps and maybe you've got some prompts for them. But you've got a camera set up and you're actually going to take people through a flip chart and actually draw some of these things out as you're talking to the camera. That can also be quite a low friction way for people to actually do this. And another way for them to not really overthink it. There's also a benefit to that because people will say, buy from people, and the fact that they get to see you face to camera is actually a benefit as well. So that's the other way.

And then the third way is kind of a hybrid approach where if you use something like ScreenFlow, then you can do the slides, [00:13:00] but then at the bottom of the core bottom screen, they can also see you in a little, you know, caption window as well. And I quite like that idea as well.

Ryan Chapman: Yeah, and I, I've seen, you know, if you've been watching over the years in marketing and stuff, what you'll see is some of the more clever marketers will also start with the face and then transition to the slides because the sides is easier. So 95% of the whole thing is slides, but the first little bit is maybe the face just to create that human connection. But they know they can't remember the whole script, so to speak. And so they'll just do that as an introduction, and then they jump in. So they'll do the first part, maybe as the camera showing the face, and then the rest of it will be slides, which I see quite frequently from some fairly clever and successful marketers.

Oli Billson: Yup. And there's a good reason why they do that as well. Because if you watch something like QVC or any shopping channel, they'll at the point where they go to pitch the product, they always move them away from the person talking down the [00:14:00] camera and they focus on the product and you can hear the person talking. in the background, because it's less intimidating for somebody to take the step that they actually want. So, cool. So let's talk about the first step. So first step is really simple, and that is what's the actual goal for the video. So when they first arrive on the page and they see the video, what your proclaiming is like, if you're here, then your probably X, Y or Z, so you know, you've come to learn about how to get more leads and more sales from Facebook advertising or whatever it is that you are, you know, generally speaking about. And then you are simply just going to actually say, you know, the goal of this video here and today's for me to give you some valuable information I'm going to be sharing. And typically you'd be saying, you know, I'm sharing three, I'd say no more than five things. Three works. While I'm with you, which I think you'll get a lot of [00:15:00] value out of. My hope is that if you're the right person, listening to me right now, then you'll take the next step, go ahead and book a call with us, which will be free. There's nothing to buy here. I'm supposing you doing a free assessment or free strategy session or diagnostic.

Ryan Chapman: You're pretty upfront about why they're there.

Oli Billson: Yeah. You've got to set that intention because too many people lose people because they don't give them the opportunity early on in the video to actually take action. Because as you know, Ryan, and you probably know you, the actual percentage, but I know them as hyper responders, so like 3% or you could say it might be 5%, I'm not quite sure, but it's around that number are people that simply have seen your ad. They may even know who you are. You, you just don't know. Some people don't know who you are, but they know they've got enough of a problem to get on the phone and solve it today.

Ryan Chapman: If we don't mind taking a quick aside is if you go, if you do any [00:16:00] sort of Facebook video ads. Or you have YouTube ads, go and look at the views, statistics and what you're going to inevitably see if you get enough views, right? If you only have like a hundred or 200 views, it may not manifest itself cause it could just be your biggest fans are watching your videos. But if you put an ad out where you're trying to get that video out in the public and stuff, you get up, you know, in the 10,000 views or so, what you're going to see, and you may see it manifest as soon as a thousand views, is you're going to see the Plato's distribution, which looks like a hockey stick. And then what that tells you is that a lot of people are trying to assess, should I continue watching this video in the first few seconds? And so the, I think the, the, one of the powerful things about you just coming right out and saying, here's, here's, you know who you are. You know, letting them identify themselves and here's what you're going to get if you continue to watch this video. In general, that's a good framework because it gives people this ability to quickly evaluate, which most of them are evaluating anyways. So [00:17:00] that's, it's not like if you delay it, they're going to stick around and find out. They're evaluating anyways. So if you give them that in the first 15, 20 seconds, that's going to help them to know to stick around longer if it's a match and the outcome's something that they're curious about taking.

Oli Billson: Yeah. And the thing is that people try and adopt incorrectly with these videos, in my opinion, is they say things like, if you stick around to the end of this video, I'll give you this free wiz-bang widget, you know, worth X. And that's okay for webinars because you want people to, like, a webinar is a longer process and it's a different like framework.

Ryan Chapman: Already set up versus, you know, somebody hitting this ad.

Oli Billson: I draw the say something to the tune of, Hey, you know, at any point during this video, there's going to be a button beneath this video that you can click to go and schedule a call with me. If you've heard enough and you just want to get straight to it, you can do that at any point. Right? Let's [00:18:00] move on. You know, I'd rather be, I'd rather just say that quite bluntly. Because I think that a lot of people have seen enough of these videos to just literally turn off.

Ryan Chapman: You think people haven't seen this stuff before? They've seen it. Like my wife complains to me all the time she's, why did they have to drag this crap out? I would just want to buy the thing. Why do they make me go through an hour to find out if I want it, I already know I want to buy the thing, show me where the button is.

Oli Billson: I'm recording something next week, Ryan, for one of my other businesses, not in the, in, not in the education business. And, it's going to be selling a 500 dollar deposit, I mean it's actually a 500 pound deposit, whatever. and, I will literally say at the beginning of that video, because I strongly believe in this, is like, you know, the purpose of me doing this is for you to give me money at the end of this video. And for some of you, you're not going to do that straight away. Some of you, you're going to have some of the questions, but I hope during the process here, I'm going to be able to answer a lot of those in advance for you. And the purpose [00:19:00] of that 500 pound deposit is to X, Y, or Z. So I'd rather just be up front about it because the thing is, is as you said, people think. Like if you look at the place statistics in Wistia or Vimeo or YouTube or anything. Yeah. They're the highest, when they first start, the thing that nobody tells you is it's the playwrite. Some of these videos don't even get played, let alone even watched for the first five or 10 seconds. So that's the thing that you don't even, you don't even see, which is why I'm saying the attention is so important. The first step in the process.

Ryan Chapman: Okay. So that's step one, that's a pretty powerful step.

Oli Billson: Yeah, well, it's probably arguably as well the reason why we should, we spent some time on that there and some of the other ones we can, we don't need to do that. And are more self-explanatory is because it's the most important step.

Ryan Chapman: People will tend to just skip it or no, I don't really feel comfortable doing that. They need to understand that, and Oli explained it really well. Why they should be comfortable doing that is because people are down with the cutesy [00:20:00] stuff, right? Generally speaking, people are just done with it. You know? People are used to the automation, all this other stuff as consumers, and they just want someone to shoot straight with them, and I think when you do that. That's what authenticity is. Is when you just shoot straight with people. It's not when you swear you do something that you know is edgy or whatever, that's not authenticity. Authenticity is when you shoot straight with people.

Oli Billson:The thing that's crazy about this, is it's the inverse of what most people tell you today. This is actually what comes natural to actually do. Hey, I've recorded this video because at the end of that, I'd love you to do this, and if you don't, and I think you're going to have a lot of value from it and it will be worth your time in any case. That shouldn't sound too crazy because people think like, well, surely there's more to it then that surely I've got to have some sort of, you know, big pattern interrupt. Well, that is the pattern. You're actually creating a pattern interrupt, doing something. That is what [00:21:00] people actually want to hear. It's a little bit weird.

Ryan Chapman: This parallels exactly with the way that we double people's sales with their existing leads is we just say, send a text before you call that says, here's who I am. Here's why I'm calling. Which you know, some sales people would go, well, why would I do that? I'm going to tip him off. Well, guess what? Technology has changed. You can't surprise anybody anymore. You know, back in the sixties the seventies you could call somebody maybe in the early eighties and they didn't know who you were, so they just heard a ring and they're like, Oh, curiosity, should I pick it up or not? In 2020 you're not sneaking up on anybody. And just by doing that announcement, we see a double in sales happen immediately. You don't have to do anything fancy beyond that, just by saying, here's who I am and here's why I'm calling, suddenly there's a big change and you're doing that essentially with the video. Here's who I am. You're not surprising or sneaking up on anybody, so don't think that you are, what people want you to do is tell them why it is [00:22:00] that you're going to be helping them to be able to overcome their problem.

Oli Billson: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. So the, the second step in the process is pretty simple. It's just who you are and why should they listen to you. And we don't, we don't spend too much time. In fact, in a lot of the kind of the, in this part of the framework is, it's very simple, you know, it's like you, you may, you may. I have no idea who I am, but you probably wonder what qualifies me to actually talk to you about this subject. I do think that's important. And you don't spend too long on this, obviously. They don't want to hear, but they do need to, you don't need to go into your whole backstory. That's not what this type of video is about. The fact that you, you know, you've had three heart transplants, you know, you don't need any of that. Unless it's relevant. It needs to be congruent to establishing the authority, credibility, and expert status of you, of why your here and showing who you are. So that's important.

Ryan Chapman: You've got maybe a few seconds to do that right.

Oli Billson: To do that. Absolutely. Yeah. Straight, straight in [00:23:00] and that, that just leads very quickly to, you know, by the end of this video, you'll discover how to do these three things so that you can X, Y inside. Yep. That's step three.

Ryan Chapman: You're not just telling them what they're going to learn, but how it connects to benefits that they care about.

Oli Billson: Yeah. Because the, so you can, is the segway piece of copy, on the slide that literally for everything that you say you're gonna do, that doesn't really matter to them. It's the benefit behind the benefit. So, so that you can have more profit, have more freedom, have more prosperity. That's what people really want.

Ryan Chapman: Everybody can do this. Connect the dots. Don't assume that they know why what you're teaching them is going to help their life. Be better. Connect the dots for them. So it's very transparent. Love that.

Oli Billson: Yeah. Now the full stack actually now kind of, we have to back up something very early and this is where some people can do this. [00:24:00] Like I can show you and go into my Stripe account there and then, and if I needed to, obviously it would be a video recording of it or I can show a screenshot of my Infusionsoft revenue if I needed to, you know, be quite upfront with the fact that, you know, we, you know, we can do $1 million a month. Here's proof. And just in case, you know, I'm just not some guy. Here's what I can do. So you can either showcase yourself, so you can say, Hey, look, here's a screenshot of my Infusionsoft account. This shows this mat of revenue coming through our business. This is our revenue from this.

Ryan Chapman: Social proof, though at this point?

Oli Billson: It is, yeah. Because they still don't really know you. So you can either show yourself off. Again, it does. Is that congruent to ultimately what your, your, you're educating them on, or better to showcase somebody else's results. And, let's take, Ryan for [00:25:00] example. Ryan has a SAS based business so you can connect somebody else's business to their business. If you are advertising to other SAS businesses, Ryan reduced churn by this.

Ryan Chapman: Dan Kennedy, when he talked about when he would go give presentations to audiences, he had a checklist of who you want to connect with throughout the thing. So he might drop, you know, the fact that he had a dog in there because he was trying to connect to dog owners cause that was relevant to his market. So you mentioned the SAS and so that doesn't mean anything to anybody except for someone who is in that business. And so you might use these kinds of dog whistle words in describing the case study people that you're going to run through real quickly. Just as a means of connecting. Yes, I'm in the right place. I need to continue listening to this video. You got to use those terms carefully. Now, how much time do you spend on, if you are talking about some cases.

Oli Billson: Real quick, Yeah. It's basically, problem, proof, solution. So it's like, what was the problem? [00:26:00] What was the proof that you'd solve the problem? And then what was the actual solution?

Ryan Chapman: Their problem was they were having a hard time getting on the phone with people. So their sales were kind of stagnant. What we did is, I showed them the technique and I'm sharing with you in this video and we doubled their sales in a week. There were conversations without everything, and so immediately they're seeing results. This is the same thing we're going to be doing for you at the end. We just want to be able to establish you are in the right place. What you're about to hear will produce, not just for me, but for you, and here's some people like you.

Oli Billson: And the thing that you also want to do, like if you were doing this for you, the important thing for you would be to also show people of what country they're from. So you would add in that flag along with that picture on the slide as well.

Ryan Chapman: People from the US, Canada, UK. If you're listening to this podcast, and you want to take it to a whole nother level. Do what I'm doing with Oli. Think about your own business. And how, okay, well how would I translate this [00:27:00] step? As you're going through it now, obviously you're probably going to want to go back a second time cause we're, we're taking a little bit of time on stuff you may be able to then just jump through to the parts that you need to listen to again. But as we go through the rest of these steps. Try and do the exercise for your own business because this is what will help your brain to train into the fact that you can do this. And then it becomes eventually an unconscious competence where you don't have to go through the 25 steps. You know the formula because you've done it. So do it as you go along with us. Okay Oli, go ahead.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. So, and ultimately the problems that you maybe do with like three quick case studies like that highlight like the main problems that people have got,right?

Ryan Chapman: Three different problems. If that's appropriate.

Oli Billson: An agenda mix as well, so you can't have them all as middle aged white guys. You need a bit of an agenda mix in that. I always make sure that we've got, a fair mix of people from, you know, [00:28:00] different places so that people can associate.

Ryan Chapman: Connect with each one. Each segment of your movement. This goes back to what you were talking about the very beginning, which is you need to know who your avatars are. If they're all middle aged white dudes and they're all middle aged old white dudes, but if you've got a variety, you need to make sure that, that that's being represented in this.

Oli Billson: Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. So that's the, that's the fourth step, showing them, showcasing your results of who you are or showing that of the results of your customers and clients that had also watched the video. Important to put that little piece of copying. Now that you know, these people were at where you were at some point, and now they're not. That's key. The fifth step is if you'd like to do the same, then this is where we just re- firm that we have an applicational survey that you can come play on this page. So this is why we're just reassessing the facts. The, you don't have to watch the whole thing. If you want results like this, you'd like to do the same and you know you're at any point in this video, you [00:29:00] can go through and you can go basically complete an application.

Ryan Chapman: You're on the freeway. We're going to give them off ramps periodically so they don't have to stay on the road the whole time. So you're going to give them an offset. So here's the exit. Go take it. Go ahead and get to what you actually want. You don't have to ride the whole way and then come back. You can go ahead and get off right here if you're ready, if you're not, keep with us.

Oli Billson: Yeah, that's it. And, there's, there's other things that, we can probably cover if we have chance at the end of this, I can put in there, but there's some important things with the actual video itself. You can actually add little teasers. I'm just going to throw these little. Teasers are in for you now, but you can actually add lower third teasers, which are quite cool to increase the consumption of the video. So like, while I'm saying that I could put something like, you know, in just a few minutes, Oli's going to share with you the first secret, you know, something like that. Which is quite clever, and can be done in post production as well so you don't even need to think about it ahead of time. [00:30:00] Anyway. So that's the fifth. The fifth, the sixth is. Defining where they are now. So what's the current situation of where they are now? So if you're listening to this video now, because you feel, and so that's again how you want to position it. If you feel like, overwhelmed in your business? Are you wearing too many hats? You're on the income roller coaster. You're constantly questioning, you know, if you should hire somebody, if you should fire somebody, you know, you haven't got predictable revenues, you know, all of the things are problems. Basically we're listing out a couple of them, you know, the main pain points or you know, things that are going on in that business, which is the reason of what got, got them to listen to the video in the first place.

Ryan Chapman: Coming up with Colin Parker that I knew, he talks about these as visual triggers, which is really interesting, which [00:31:00] he tries to paint a picture in their mind is something they can see around them, that's a side effect of the problem that you're going to be solving.

Oli Billson: Exactly. And I do that in step seven where we then talk about the future of what it could look like if they don't actually make a change. So what's actually going to happen if they don't solve these problems? So I'm like, if you continue to accept, you know, these things, then you know, your business is going to plateau at best if not go into a decline. And you know, for an established business owner like yourself, There's so much, there's so much more opportunity. If you were to apply certain capabilities for your business to be able to grow it, no. That type of thing that we're basically showing them, look, you know, things could be very different for you, but if you don't make the change, then they're gonna, you know, stay [00:32:00] still, stagnant. And you know, go stale and they can be a lot better.

Ryan Chapman: Something that they talk about with StoryBrand too, is this idea of showing them the junction point of decision and what happens if you don't it? What happens if you do? They can make a better choice.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. And you said you showing them that frame of either this is what it could be like, you know, and it doesn't have to be like this, or you can continue as you are. And if you go this route, then you know, there's probably more problems that you're going to run into that could be even worse than what you have today. You've got to be quite snappy with this. And, and, and I would say as a, as a rough rule of thumb. I would have no more than a slide or two slides on a lot of these steps that we're talking about here. A lot of people, when we talk about a video, especially things like a video sales letter, they've [00:33:00] seen those where it's literally the script that's been read on the screen. And. I'll be honest with you, they absolutely do work well. There's no question about that. They work well. However, there is a hell of a lot of work in terms of doing that actually properly and correctly, and to be honest with you, I also feel that, people also want to see a side of you that, is not overly scripted as well, that you kind of know what you're talking about, you know? And I think that that's quite more endearing to the audience that, you know, it's fine to use these things. It's like. You know, if I was looking at the future of what it could be like, I'd have a happy person and I'd have a few bullet points, right?

Ryan Chapman: That can seem almost too overt. Sometimes look, if you don't change something, you're going to be terrible. And if you do, [00:34:00] you'll be happy. You know, that can almost seem contrived a little bit. How do you set that up so that it doesn't come across that way? I use something around the lines of, and I want to hear yours, is like, you know, what we've seen is that when people don't address this problem...______ happens.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so I think we use a very similar vernacular there. The definition of doing the same thing, you know, over and over and expecting a different result is insanity. And we know that, that's true. So we don't want to continue staying stuck where we are. We want to be able to enable us to have a predictable lead to customer journey, being able to have the freedom that we want, be able to get home for our kid's soccer game or whatever. Yeah. And, that is very possible for you. And I'm going to prove to you and show you that you can get there. [00:35:00] But, and this is what I actually do when I say you do not make a change. What I mean by that is if they don't take some form of action.

Ryan Chapman: I tell people this, that if the way you see the world doesn't change, your behavior doesn't change. Yeah, and if I were going to put it in the real world, it's, if frames don't change, then actions don't change. People's frame of the world has to change. It's what I love about the structure of the video up until this point is we're expanding and changing the focus of their frame, which is going to have a higher likelihood of changing their behavior than anything else. Because if you don't get that at that consumer, that prospect doesn't change the way they see the world. There's no way they're going to change the way they spend their money.

Oli Billson: I spoke about this and was like, the current limiting mindset and belief. The current belief and mindset of the person that's coming to watch the video and the video is transforming that person in the video to have a not necessarily a buying mindset, [00:36:00] but we're shifting their mindset to something that's, that's the greener pastures. That they now have some belief in. That's attainable for them because a lot of the time the, the, the thing that, you know, we could go really deep on this, but the thing that a lot of people don't understand is that a lot the reasons why people don't take the actions that you want them to take in sales conversations or in videos or in whatever you ask them to do, it's a lot of the time is that, it's not the fact that they don't believe you. A lot of people may have this premise that it's like, Oh, well, I just, I'm just not good enough. Like my, I'm not an officer or authority. Like I'm not this. It's not the fact that people don't always believe you, although some of that's important. It's the fact that they don't believe in themselves and they've had so many situations in the past where they've opted in even microsteps, like opting in for a video. I've seen another Facebook ad talking about it. I've seen another social post talking about this. I'm just not going to do [00:37:00] anything today. I'm just not going to click it. Or I'll click it and I'll opt in. I'll give them a fake email address just like all the rest. But they just don't believe in themselves. They have a low level of confidence in themselves and we need to be able to transform them into showing them that there is the light . And if they don't, the main thing that we have to do is we have to instill in them that they have to take some form of action. Otherwise things will not change. That's the bottom. That's like the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of it all. We want to go into when we're thinking could be in, be in the minds of the people that are watching the video and your creating this content, you want to be thinking to yourself that how do I actually get everybody that I want because we're going to get into who we don't want in a moment, but how do I get everybody not like most people or just like, except that most people, some people won't take the action we want. Actually go with the mindset ourself when we're creating it. How do I get [00:38:00] everybody that could be somebody that's a potential fit? I'm taking the next step, basically. How do I do that? And that's why what you said is very, very instructive, that we have to be able to open this up to them, and, and something that they can get their head around that they could actually take some action on.

Ryan Chapman: We were chatting about this a little bit before we started this podcast episode, but now in another episode that I have coming up with Johann Nogueira , we talked about this idea that the way that you see the world really drives your behavior to the point that Johann was saying that now that he's rubbing shoulders with, you know, multi-multi millionaires or billionaires, he sees that there's a clear difference in the way that they see the world. And if you're trying to elevate somebody's life, which I feel like if you're running a good business, you're elevating that person's life in some way. [00:39:00] That's my definition of a good business, besides the fact that it pays you well and you're happy to do it, and that you're get thrilled about, you know, the work that you're doing because you're, you're having that good impact and you're making money. A good business is going to lift people to a higher plane, and part of that is you have to transform the way that they see the world. And that's why this video framework just immediately resonated with me is because in this process. And by the way, Oli, I'm, I'm taking dramatic notes cause I'm like, I've got to up my game because what's at stake for the people I'm helping is businesses surviving, are failing. And so, you know, if you see what's at stake with your business, and see it in the, in the proper light, it'll help you to build, put the effort in to make something that really will change the way they see the world, shift their life for them. And you know, if, if there's ever something that you would love to have said about you, is that they changed my whole world. In any profession, believe [00:40:00] me, you can do that in any profession, you can change their whole world. Like you go somewhere where there's a fantastic taco, they've changed your whole world, okay? So if you think that's mundane, whatever it is that you're doing, you can change their whole world. If you take the time to think it through and think about them and go through these steps. So I'm just reselling you guys why you want to continue with the rest of this podcast and probably listen to it a couple more times because Oli's teaching something here that honestly is worth thousands of dollars and I really appreciate you opening the curtain so to speak Oli, so people can see what you do on the regular with your clients. This was so valuable. So continue if you don't mind, continue.

Oli Billson: Yeah, sure. Yeah. Sure. So the next few steps are kind of interlinked with, with that seventh step there of what the future could look like if they don't make a change. The eighth is where they could be now. So again, that's kind of related to the future and there's a bit of overlap between the sixth and the seventh step [00:41:00] here. The ninth is what the future could look like if they do make the change. And again, those are the way the, I just, address. Some of the things in, in the seventh step there, these all kind of overlap together as you would expect them to be in the way that I'm explaining them. The 10th step is important, it's how this relates to you as the authority, as the person actually delivering the video. And so what people want to be able to see is the relatability to the problem. Now, for example, with me, I can't do the common, relatable thing that some people do where they say, I had a corporate job. You know, I wanted to quit it. And then like, you know, I, I, I decided to take the leap of faith. I fired my [00:42:00] boss. I started this business and I'm making loads of money. I'm going to teach you how to do the same. I haven't got that story. Because I, that's not my journey. That's not what I did. I've never had a corporate job. I never had a job. So what I, what I relate it to is more about the problem, the fear, the frustration, the challenge that I face in my business as I started to grow it, that was impinging upon my ability to actually create the business and life that I actually wanted. And so I bring it back to really those challenges and why I'm, why I'm addressing them.

Ryan Chapman: This, this is a another introduction of authenticity and the fact that you're telling your story and why it is that you're able to help them now.

Oli Billson: Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, one of the things that I talk about and to again, just hopefully, because I think [00:43:00] the more we talk about this, the more that concept lands with the person that's listening to this. One of the things that I've started to use this with recently is a, in our business, Max Level Business, we're an education business and we help people actually start their own. And grow their own education businesses, information businesses, coaching businesses, et cetera. And, one of the things I talk about how this relates to me is that I believe that in every business, every true business there is knowledge, know how capabilities that, can be extracted and packaged and positioned, to create an additional income stream inside of the business that you already have that can be sold to other people inside of your niche or maybe outside of that, and they can be sold online in a very leverage way. And so I talk about that journey with me. I said, you know, I had a service based business and then I have this training business. And the [00:44:00] real aha moment for me was when I realized that I could have more time, I could have more freedom, I could make money and I could do it with what I already knew. I didn't have to invest any money to be able to do. I already had everything that was already there sitting in my business that could be monetized. And I decided to leverage it. And when I did, You know, that was the, that was the turning point for me. Which, you know, I can share, then I lead them into then, okay, so now I've shared that with you. Step 11, talks about sharing that process. So, okay, so I've done it and I kind of figured some of those things out. So here's how we do this and why it works for, why not just work for me, but why also works for other people just like you. And that gets amazing results and gets great outcomes with it. [00:45:00] And that's really where I kind of could share a few kind of core highlights to making that transition.

Ryan Chapman: So hopefully everybody picked up on what you were laying down there. Cause it's the story that you're going to tell here is dependent upon where you're taking them right now. Cause you're not going to tell them an unrelated story. The story has to be related to where are you going to take them in this process. This journey that you're starting him on with this video is to give them confidence that you did it. And so can they.

Oli Billson: Yeah. I mean, it's like the epiphany. It's kind of like if you look at the hero's journey or you've studied any kind of Donald Miller Story Brand stuff, which is quite closely aligned to that, is it is kind of that hero's journey of the fact that there was an epiphany. There was some false beliefs. You know, that was me, how it relates to you in step 10. And then I talk about the process. You know, Donald Miller talks about the plan. Basically whats the plan.

Ryan Chapman: Let me just go into that because what people may not [00:46:00] understand, and maybe you and I take for granted, is the fact that when you tell your story everybody listening to the story takes on your role. Okay. That's really, really important to understand because if you talk about, well, I have this false belief and then I changed it and I realize this. You, you, you're not just telling the story. They go, Oh, that's cute. That happened to you. If they have that false belief, they can actually in the process of hearing you tell the story, start to make the transition to the right belief.

Oli Billson: Correct.

Ryan Chapman: You know, from being restricted to being open. And so if that was what was going to prevent them from taking the next step, you can actually knock down those barriers in front of them as you tell your story, because we all take the role of the hero when we hear a story.

Oli Billson: Yeah.

Ryan Chapman: Go to the movies tonight.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. So somebody who's just listening to this now, I'm sure they haven't, just re-what you know, fast forward it to this exact point. So you've probably just heard the last few minutes, I said some things in my [00:47:00] story that I just wanna play a little game with you on is I said, I believe that there are knowledge, know how experience that can be monetized in some of your business. Now that triggered something in your mind that basically piqued your interest that said, well, I'm a business owner. I'm listening to this podcast. I. I'm not sure I have that experience. So that's the first thing that you might think. You might say, I don't know if I've got that experience. You know, what would qualify me to sell my knowledge to somebody else who would buy my advice? So the way that I would combat that in the how this relates to you is the fact that, you know, I would say, you know, first of all, I came across a book. The book was called the Ultimate Sales Letter by a gentleman called Dan Kennedy, he's a world famous marketer. And I didn't realize it at the time, but he talked about this concept called information marketing. I have absolutely no idea what that meant at that time. I [00:48:00] just bought the book because I wanted to grow my business. And, I just wanted to solve the problems with my business and get some concepts from the book. But what I quickly realized was the thing, that concept that Dan talked about was actually, you know, being successful in business, but then also contributing to other people and sharing your experience and your results with other people. So if you've got a successful sales process, then that's something that could be sold. It's sort of a unit that can be extracted out for your business and sold. I thought it was an amazing concept. And, I actually, you know, agreed with the fact that I did have something in my business, which was really, really sellable, that I didn't realize was before. And I didn't know what that meant. It came under the umbrella of this magical thing called information marketing.

Ryan Chapman: You mind if I inject real quick here? What you may not have picked up on, if you're not well versed in the concept though, is Oli introduced a mentor or a [00:49:00] guide into his story that helped him overcome that hump. And although at this point, Oli is presenting himself as the guide, it's okay to use whoever your guide was that got you over the hump in your story. Whether it's a book or, or you know, some incident that happened or you know, you struck your head on the, on the bathroom sink and then you realize the flux capacitor was possible. You know, whatever it is, you can tell that story and it helps them to see, Oh, there is a pathway from where I am thinking, I don't know if I can do this to where Oli is, where he knows he can do this.

Oli Billson: Absolutely. Yeah just again, just for it to be, maybe not so, you know, esoteric is I have a, you know, I had a business which was a window tinting business, and I went through every single pitfall after my training, to become a window tinter and several times I nearly gave up, you know, let alone [00:50:00] trying to grow the business. Actually doing the job was hard enough. And, it occurred to me after I had spent several years growing my windows tinting business that actually there must be maybe a a hundred, maybe a thousand, maybe 10,000 of the window tinters that probably are today in the world, like really struggling with the things that I struggled with. And maybe that's something that I can help them with. And so I went on a mission. I went on pursuit of solving those problems and helping other people, start and grow their own window tinting businesses. So just to kind of tell you this, with a webinar, you can do a lot more of this because of course, you can break a lot of false beliefs with these stories and you can, you can really, really, really do a lot of stuff that's quite subliminal. With this, I do try where I can [00:51:00] to just keep it as tight as possible and only, really share one or two bits in some cases I actually do this as a bit of an open loop for them to get them to continue watching.

Ryan Chapman: So for people that aren't familiar with open loop, that's a conversational hypnosis phrase, or sometimes maybe contributed to neural linguistic programming. What it means is to start a story but not complete it because the human brain needs completion. So, sorry if I wrecked your open loop there. But because we are in a teaching mode versus a selling mode. And so I really want you to understand that idea of opening up a story, but not totally telling the full resolution intrigues people and raises part of our psyche called curiosity. And our curiosity is insatiable, so it'll keep you on a little bit longer, as long as there's nothing else that's turning you off in the rest of the story.

Oli Billson: Yeah, [00:52:00] absolutely. And the, the important thing that, the important thing that I go into in step seven is sharing that process of, you know, how do we do this and why it works and why does it, this get results for clients? So we have to really be able to highlight kind of three kind of key elements of how the process works. And it's good to do this in a diagram, by the way, if you can take a process and just use some basic shapes, triangle, you know, there's different ways of doing it. Show them some kind of process, within a step one, step two, step three, or some kind of like, you know, circular or pie chart type of diagram or whatever. Show them what the process actually is that you take them through. And if you can name that process the better for it. So, you know, I've got things like the Phone Funnel Framework, a Hyper Crush Method, the Automation Playbook. All of these things are processes, that, all, you know, [00:53:00] tell people how they can follow it. It's a system that they can follow and they need to be able to relate to that system and see the very simple one, two, three steps that they can take to take them from before to, after, from, you know, Skype to arrival from, sympathy to empathy. That's where you know, that they need to say that. So you want to name that process in step 11. Step 12 is, we, again, this is more transitional without putting a step, but it says, when implemented correctly, and by focusing on this process, you can expect to see, insert benefit one, benefit two, benefit three. So that you're always coming back to, you know, we've really just showed them a bit of a feature. We've really just showed them the system. It's a bit far removed for them. It looks nice. They can see the [00:54:00] steps. Awesome. Now if you do this, then you can expect to get this, this, and this. So I my go to, you can have more time. You can have more freedom. You can have more profitability, you can have more prosperity. You know, that's just a very quick thing for you too, you know, it's going to be different in your business.

Ryan Chapman: This is just, again, tying back what we're talking about. I think that they want, so that they realize, okay, I still want to pay attention because this is what I want.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. So in step 13 whenever you mention a benefit or you share something like that, you kind of have to back it up. And this is goes back to like writing sales copy. You make a claim immediately, you've got to back it up. So in step 13 I call this the catch, and the catch is where we basically did dismiss all other [00:55:00] possible available options to them, other than your solution. So, you know, this isn't about you, you know, creating a, a Shopify store and Amazon, you know, that thing, a Bitcoin thing. You know, whatever's on their mind, I'm thinking about if that kind of opportunity glad I'm thinking to myself, how do I just like dismiss all of these things? So you can't, sometimes you can't call those things out, but you've basically got to see it as like, you know, this isn't some sort of fad that's going to be here today gone tomorrow, like Bitcoin. This isn't going to be like, you know, you know, wish and money will manifest itself to me, you know? So I'm getting into the personal development stuff.

Ryan Chapman: What are the other things that they may be associated. What are you bringing to the table so that you don't get grouped with those things because that's part of what is called, [00:56:00] the uncontrollable environment, which is, you know, what's the story you guys have going on in their heads? What are their friends gonna say when they hear about this? You know, we have to address those things proactively. And so that's what you're doing by knocking down these posers that are, you know, standing around looking like what we're trying to talk about but are not in fact what we're talking about.

Oli Billson: Absolutely, yeah. And you know, a lot of the time, you know, for me at least, you know, I have to deal with people that've spent a lot of money on information and courses and, you know, things that just, you know, have, they either haven't taken the cellophane off them, or, they just a very watered down, diluted kind of, you know rubbish that is not really geared up to getting them results. So, you know, what I often say is, you know, this isn't some sort of, you know, you know, Flint eating, online course or regular online course. You know, what we're talking about here is a done with you coaching [00:57:00] program. that's been very thought through and has got the your best interests at heart to enable you to get the ultimate transformation that you desire. So step 14 again, segway into how they can actually make it a reality. So, you know, if you've listened this far into the video and you know, the catch there when I just said that, I just said, this isn't this, this what this is, is this, you know, you might be wondering, you know, how could you, how could you make this work for you? How could you take our process, here and how could you, how could you get the same results? And then I just have one slide that just says, so do you want our help or do you want my help? Question Mark? That's all we really need to ask them because we haven't finished with them yet. We just need to plant that seed early, in this, in the, in now, moving them through to the [00:58:00] criteria, which we'll get to. So, do you want my help? And so they, in their mind, they're either going to go, yeah, I want your help. And I would just go and click the button, or they're just going to watch past it and they're going to be skeptical. Skip still, which is fine. That's good. So we have to then lead them in step 16, so, okay. Okay. Now, before you go ahead and go and make your application, I really first want to make sure that you're the right fit before you go and take the next step. Okay. And so this is basically who we're looking for. We're looking for motivation, motivated business owners. You have an established business and, you believe that you've got value to bring to the world. You've got knowledge, you've got wisdom, you've got experience, you've got know how you've got systems, you've got processes that you could otherwise sell and monetize and have, you know, have more impact. Well, that's a separate one. [00:59:00] So, you know, for me it's. You know, these things, the big thing for me is having low impact because a lot of the people that I speak to is they'll say, you know, I've got a business and it's great and it's good, but I just feel that I'm not really making as much impact as I want. You know, I'm really successful, really profitable. I just want to make more impact. I want to help more people. Okay, cool. Well, that has to be a core. That is a core feeling that they have, that I need them to have. So that's important. So I then do tell them if this sounds like you, then there's a button beneath this video and you can go and make a, your free, you know, book a free discovery call, schedule your free assessment. Book your free assessment. Take off free assessment, fill in this quick survey, whatever it is, I do tell them what to do and tell them how to take the next step if they're the right fit. So you can call that again, a direct call to action quite early before [01:00:00] moving them into step 17, which is, if they haven't done that is do you meet this criteria. Which again, I've kind of just stated that before there, again, those still have a bit of overlap. If yes, then here's what to do next. So again, second call to action.

Ryan Chapman: This is why what you said at the beginning was so important that you need to have some conversations first, cause you may not know the right criteria. If you haven't had some conversations, you have to have some terrible appointments to know who to exclude.

Oli Billson: I know this is super basic, but like if, if for you, if you're trying to sell I'll get somebody on the phone to talk about Fix Your Funnel, or to even just go and take a trial for Fix Your Funnel. There's one key piece of information that, that, well, there's one thing that needs to be articulated right off the bat that they may buy into everything that you've said up until that point.

But there's one thing if that criteria is not met, they cannot buy that software or take that [01:01:00] trial. And that is very simple. If you're not an Infusionsoft user, then Fix Your Funnel as a software tool you can't use. However, there's obviously another option. So you know, you have to use some form of marketing automation tool, maybe your criteria and you need to be specific with it because Yeti does such a wide range now of all of the AMS is and with Fix Your Funnel, exclusively with Infusionsoft. So we have to sort of say that in the criteria. And, that's important. So we can't overlook that is what I'm saying.

Ryan Chapman: Yeah. So there are some obvious ones you're going to know. Criteria that would, you know, say, Hey, this person absolutely can't do business with us, or I can't help them. And then, and there may be some people that you could help, but you don't want to help, right?

Oli Billson: Absolutely. Yeah.

Ryan Chapman: Everybody's had the client that they're like, how did this person get in the building? Get them out.

[01:02:00] Oli Billson: Yeah. One of the things that I try and do in this, I don't do the negative that I usually do in a webinar. So in a webinar, I'd usually say, this is for you if you're this, this, and this, but if you're any of these people, I don't want you. What I try and do is kind of like, keep it. Yeah, use that, but I actually try and also make it very clear that by saying who I do want, it's very clear that who I don't want that as well. It's quite, it's quite clear.

Ryan Chapman: By impression. Because I'm looking for these people, I'm leaving it to them to understand, I'm not looking for people that don't meet that qualification. Cause you try to keep it fairly positive in the video. If you filter, you would let the assessment help you identify people that you are not going to spend time with.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. So to me that's very much like, you're a legitimate business. And you know, your no, no, you're not in a shady, [01:03:00] sketchy business. You know, we don't, we don't do, you know, we don't do business with people who are in...

Ryan Chapman: And that's the point of business, you're actually making money. You have, maybe...

Oli Billson: You're spending money. So you, what you just said is perfect actually, is you're making money. You're spending money on paid advertising, and you're generating leads and you want to, you know, whatever.

Ryan Chapman: I think the point that I'm trying to make there for people that are listening is be careful about your verbiage when you're making this list of who you're for or who you're looking for. If you're going to do an exclusion that you don't use terms that you're familiar with, that they may not fully understand, that's it's the curse of biologists that we know certain phrases and what we mean by those. If we need to articulate that so folks can really get a good picture. You saw how I used humor. You know, by going to an extreme to kind of illustrate that you are trying to...Something like you say, I'm looking for legitimate business owners. You know, you could, [01:04:00] you could use a little humor there and that's good if that's, you know, who you are, if you have humorous part of your repertoire, it's okay to inject a little humor there cause that, you know, can make an uncomfortable situation less uncomfortable but also get the point across.

Oli Billson: Yeah, absolutely. And so I've seen this also work by somebody saying, look, I've got to be, I'm going to be up front with you. Our coaching and our process carries an investment which, for some people, they would regard to be expensive, and out of their price range. And if you, you're one of those people that can't see the value in, in what we're, you know, we're talking about here, and you're not prepared to making an investment. Mmm. Then yeah, you don't even have to say what it is, you know, there's certain sort of people...

Ryan Chapman: We wouldn't best serve you either at that point because you're not at the right level. Those that see this too much are probably not in that stage of business yet where it would even be good for them to be in the [01:05:00] group. So you said you raise knowledge that helps people self identify, but do it in a way that doesn't also create bad will. Cause you could say, you know, that aren't making X number of dollars, but that's not really what you're trying to accomplish because those people may know other people that they can call your way. So anytime you spent up until that point, it's not entirely wasted if you've now indoctrinated them into your whole worldview. You want them to be able to be refers as well, so you don't want to isolate people just because you're repelling them.

Oli Billson: That brings us onto step 19, which says if you're not these people, here's what to do now. Because if, if you have a criteria, and this is probably a flat, flexible step for some people, but for me, I only used to, I don't now because our, our program is a bit different now in it, it can be more inclusive, but in the, in the past it was like, I literally won't work with anybody unless they're doing [01:06:00] $300,000 a year. Right. A little more than more than $300,000 a year. And maybe, cause I just say that stage of businesses is, Oh, I sold that stage of business for what we were offering at that time. But they've had, they have a few employees. So like if you don't have employees and you don't have more than three employees, you will be doing less than $300,000 a year, you know, I'm doing all the negative stuff. But you know, if I said, you've got employees, you are in a very old business, you're doing more than $300,000 a year. You're spending money on advertising and et cetera, et cetera. And if you're not, by the way, so this is where I'd say, by the way, if this isn't you, I've got a fantastic resource that I want to give you. I wrote this book. It's called Fix Your Funnel, and I'd love to send that to you. Then this is where you should go and go and get that. Because we don't want people to fail if they've got to that point in the video, and this is just, [01:07:00] this is again, just like very obvious, but people in the internet marketing, and we will definitely say this is like give them just because they're not right today, doesn't mean they're never going to be right.

Ryan Chapman: If you would've looked at me in 2005, 2006 you would have thought it was not right for anything, you know? I was missing a few pieces to the puzzle. You know? And if, if you would've just written me off then, well then you would have missed out on what I am now. And so you don't want to write people off just because now is not the right time. I like to look at it and think about it as a fruit tree, not all the fruit ripens at the same time. So if you just pick it once and then leave that person, they may be that fruit that's going to ripen a little bit later in the season. So give them a, give them away, give them an off ramp cause they're not right now, but don't throw them to the curb. If they were that interested, there's certainly something that's resonating with them. I really like and appreciate that you're, you put that into the script.

[01:08:00] Oli Billson: You've got to do that because I think the people that are just, you know, the clowns and the jokers to just deflating, opting in for things and coming to watch your video for the fun of it. You know, they ain't going to do anything anyway. But there's all the people, whether or not they don't believe in themselves, or they just genuinely are not that point. Or you've called out that the exact person you want, and they just know that that's not them. Then, you know, give them, give them more value, give them an alternative path. And even if that's just, we publish once a week, a high value blog article on our website, and I would encourage you to check that out. You will be on our text message list and our email list now. So I'd love to continue communicating with you about that. And you can even set the scene for like, you know, when I publish that, I will send you a text message. You can always opt out of these emails or text messages as you wish. But you know, that's what I would do. Or tell them you've wrote a book. [01:09:00] Tell them where to go and get it. So if, if now is not the right time, that's cool too, here's what you need to go and do. Then I, in step twenty, switch back because we don't want to dwell too much on that, but we want to switch back to, okay, so let me tell you how the strategy session, how the discovery call, how the thing works now. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. So we set the scene in step 20, okay, and then step 21, and we say, so the purpose of, so we have to start with the purpose. What's the purpose of why we do this? Cause they may not understand why they've got to go and book a call with you and go through a survey online. Like they might not know that. We want to help them understand why we do, what's the purpose. We use this as a way to help us understand how we can actually help you grow your business in my case, okay. We use this as a way, or we use this as a tool for us [01:10:00] to understand how we can help you grow your business. Okay. The way I said that's very intentional. And and we don't know enough yet. How could we possibly know whether or not even after all of this, and they go and fill in a survey, whether or not the right person or not, even if they say, I've got financial resources to invest in my business. I'm doing a million a year. I've been in business for 10 years. You know, or I am existing coach, consultant, trainer, author, speaker, and I want to be able to scale up. Does that mean they're right for us? No, of course it doesn't. We don't. We don't know. We know who we can get results for and if some guy gets on the phone and they're a real jerk then that ware we going to allow them into the program? No, of course we're not. So we don't know enough yet. So we always say how we can help understand your business. And then in step 22 we have to reaffirm to them. Look, this is no pressure. [01:11:00] There's no obligation here on your behalf. When you take this step, we're merely here to have a conversation to really understand how we can add value, and if we believe that we can't, then we'll tell you some of the ways to be able to go. But we'll only work with people that we know are absolutely right for what we're actually doing.

Ryan Chapman: Some assurance that it's not going to be complete waste of time, even if it ends up not being a match.

Oli Billson: It's always a good idea to say, and you've just reminded me of this actually. It's always a good idea to say this when you come on, when you book this call with us today and you go through this process. Whether or not you decide to work with us at the end of the strategy session, you're going to be able to get something out of it. You know, you can give them something from it. They can learn something from it. They can discover something that they didn't have before. They can get a resource, some valuable insight, [01:12:00] whatever it is. All of the things I've said there are important to reassure them that the thing that the currency they're playing with here, remember this, the currency they're playing with is their time, which I guess is the most valuable thing that they've, got more than money. So we have to be respectful of that, and that's the reason why we reaffirm it. In step 23 we say, if you're the right fit, we will make you an offer on the call to go forward and join us in next level growth, our 12 month coaching program or whatever it is that you call, because you don't want to delay that process. There's no sense in it whatsoever, you know? And so, you know, let's kind of, we will get you started. And then in step 24, we do something called the NLP triple confirmation. [01:13:00] And just to be very, very clear what this is, it's just a language pattern that says, if you're here listening to me right now and are on this page and you want to X, Y, or Z. So it's just a confirmation. Yes, I'm here. Yes. Obviously I'm on this page. Yes, I'm listening to you and yes, I do want to monetize my knowledge and sell my advice online, in my case. I'd say I'd probably say, if you're here listening to me right now, you're on this page, you've listened to the whole presentation so far, and you like the idea of selling your advice online so that you can have more freedom, have more time, have more profitability, then the next thing that you need to do is go ahead and book the call that we've spoken about. Or you know, go ahead and book a strategy session that we spoke about. And then step 25 is just to reconfirm their core [01:14:00] desires and just a final CTA. You could say, look, you know, if you've got this far. And you've already said the triple confirmation, but you know, if you've got this far and you still on the fence, let me tell you this, and then you can just go back to, you know, Hey, you know, I speak to business owners every single day. We hear their stories, we hear their fears, we hear their frustrations, we hear their challenges, we hear you. And what I would tell you is that, you have to take action and whether or not you've got this far and you're not sure about this. I would urge you whether or not you, if you are the right fit and you believe that you are, then go and you know, do this. Don't delay, don't procrastinate. That's for average mediocre people, not entrepreneurs like you is my classic kind of, piece of verbige. And I would then also say the real cost here [01:15:00] is that you haven't just spent 25 minutes listening to this video. The real cost is the opportunity of not doing this today and defer and get to another time. So go ahead and do it now and I look forward to seeing you on the call and that's brilliant.

Ryan Chapman: Oli thank you so much for sharing this whole process. This has been truly valuable, and I don't even think there's a way that I can overstate how valuable this episode has been. I know I personally will be listening, listening to it a couple of more times cause I'm working on some new marketing and some new videos myself. And I just felt like what this video script does for people is it just gives them a clear way to prepare people to make the best buying decision when they get on that appointment. You're raising the important points, you're raising the concerns. When that person sets the appointment, they're going to set that appointment with confidence after this video [01:16:00] because they're going to know exactly what questions are on their mind, what things they want to have answered, and they're going to be ready to actually give you some answers that will help you to be able to diagnose and then prescribe the best outcome for them with your expertise and insight or your salesperson's expertise and insight. So I would strongly encourage you, if you took the time to go through this whole video, if you're listening to me now. Go ahead, make sure that you implement this and get a video put together with this script. I'll make sure that we get the 25 points with Oli's permission and a link back to his website. You know, the 25 steps that he walked us through so you can reference those. But Oli, thank you so much. You're so generous in your time and your thoughtfulness and teaching people about these concepts. I know this is just a drop in your bucket in terms of what you know and what you help people with, but it has been truly rich and a great blessing I think.

Oli Billson: No, I really appreciate that. And I would say this, look, everybody needs a process. And every, [01:17:00] every time I have a lackluster results in my own business, or I'm disappointed with something that's happened. Some results that we've got or some metrics that I'm looking at. It's often because I haven't really followed my process or I haven't followed a process. And you know we sometimes overlook these things and that's often the reason why we can often get overwhelmed and actually do nothing at all because we don't actually have something to follow. So I hope this has been valuable to people and that they can, they can follow it.

Ryan Chapman: And in particular, this kind of asset that we're talking about is you put this asset together, it's gonna require some thought. It's, it requires some gathering of some information. You're going to create an outline and then you're going to start to create your video. But that is some of the most valuable time you spend in your business because this kind of asset is like a salesperson on, I don't know what, you know, some supercharged [01:18:00] salesperson because they're addressing everything. This checklist puts you through, makes sure that you address everything that a person wants to consider as they're making a buying decision. So this is such a valuable, a piece of your puzzle, of your marketing playbook. You need to have this in place. Oli thinks again, what's the best way for people to reach out to you Oli if they're curious about some of the things you've talked about today.

Oli Billson: Sure the, the best way is to go to nextlevelbusiness.com, and go to our website and check out what we're doing there. And often, to be honest with you, the next best step if you're in, North America or Canada, is to probably just come and attend one of our live workshops. And we do something called Next Level Business Live and it's a great investment of time, whether or not at the end of that you decide to work with us in, in any capacity in mastermind or coaching program. It's, it really is great. And, I think that that's, that's [01:19:00] what I would, I'd probably say.

Ryan Chapman: I know people who have attended they have raved about your events. So again, that's a next...

Oli Billson: nextlevelbusiness.com

Ryan Chapman: All right. Thank you, Oli.

Oli Billson: Thanks.

The 25 Steps

  1. What's the goal here - let's see if you're the right for us so we can work together (be upfront about with your intentions)
  2. Who are you and why should they listen
  3. By the end, you'll discover how to [insert teaching points] so you can XYZ
  4. Show proof from other people's results who have worked with you
  5. If you'd like to do the same, we have an application/survey you can complete on this page - give them the opportunity to take action right away
  6. Define where are they NOW - their current 'bad' situation
  7. What the FUTURE could look like if they DON'T seek out help
  8. Where they could be NOW if things were different
  9. What the FUTURE will look like if they DO work with you
  10. How this relates to You — instill the A.C.E formula (Authority, Celebrity, Expert status)
  11. Share your process — Here's how we do this and why it works for our clients to achieve the [ultimate outcome]
  12. When implemented correctly and by focusing on this process you can expect to see these [results + Benefits]
  13. The Catch — dismiss all other possible available options to them other than your solution
  14. How can they make it a reality
  15. Do they want your help?
  16. Are they the right fit — Show them how to take the next step
  17. Do they meet these criteria — Show who you work with
  18. If Yes — here's what to do next (Call to action)
  19. If No — here's what to do now (Show alternative path)
  20. Explain how the Strategy Session works (aka your sales appointment)
  21. Help them understand how you [get the results they desire]
  22. Show them this is a No pressure — no-obligation Strategy Session
  23. If they are the right fit we will make you an offer to work with us
  24. NLP triple confirmation — If you're here on this page, listening to me right now and you want to XYZ then [Confirm who this is right for]
  25. Confirm their core desires and final CTA