Use Positioning Strategies to Create More Sales

how to fix your funnel

Use Positioning Strategies to Create More Sales

Show Notes

  • If you would like your sales and marketing to be more effective, consider utilizing Dan Kennedy’s positioning pyramid for better results.
  • At the bottom of the pyramid are generalists.
  • The next tier is labeled as specialists or people who have chosen one thing to specialize in.
  • The next level up would be an expert or someone who has stood out above other people in their field.
  • The next tier would be a celebrity or someone who is recognized as a celebrity to a particular group.
  • The pinnacle of the pyramid, or the most powerful position on the pyramid, is one of a celebrity-expert. A celebrity-expert is someone who acts as an expert in a celebrity position.
  • Your marketplace needs to see you in this status.
  • You don’t need to be an expert to someone that isn’t going to be your customer.
  • It is better to be a big fish in a small pond than to be a same size fish in the ocean.
  • Use positioning techniques to put yourself in either specialist, expert, celebrity, or celebrity-expert status.
  • How are you positioning yourself so you will be perceived as an expert in your field?
  • If you do position yourself well, you won’t have to work nearly as hard to get others to accept your message.

Transcription of Episode

[00:00:00] How would you like your sales and marketing to be easier and more effective? I don't know anybody that would want something different. But Dan Kennedy talks about the positioning pyramid. If you haven't heard of this, this is a pyramid, you can imagine a triangle, and at the bottom of this pyramid, are millions and millions of generalists. In fact you can start drawing lines across your pyramid if you want to draw this out for yourself. At the bottom are generalists.

The next group, which is a next step up, and there's a little bit fewer of them, but still quite a few, are specialists. These are people who have chosen one particular thing to specialize in.

The next step up the positioning pyramid is expert. This is somebody that has stood out from all the other specialists as an expert in their field.

The next level, surprisingly, is celebrity. So a celebrity actually has more positioning power than even an expert. This person is someone who's recognized as a celebrity to the group that they are the [00:01:00] celebrity to. Now that may sound like I just spoke in a circle, but I'll explain more about that in just one second because we have to hit the pinnacle of the pyramid.

This is the highest power position you can have on the positioning pyramid, and that is one of the celebrity expert. Somebody who has combined not only celebrity, but also expert status into one position. You can think of, like in general media terms, this would be somebody like a Dr. Phil or anybody that you see that is acting as an expert in a celebrity position. Okay, they may not be the best. They don't have to be the best. They just have to be positioned as the best. Dr. Phil is probably a terrible example, so, please forgive me, but you get the concept hopefully.

Now, when you're using the positioning triangle to make everything easier for you, it does not matter that everybody on the planet sees you in that position. What is important is that that your marketplace, that means potential customers, [00:02:00] and as well as your customers, so whoever your marketplace is that you're trying to get business from, it's only important that they see you in this positioning, that they see you in this status. That's it. You don't need to be the expert to someone who isn't going to be your customer. You want to be at the big fish in a small pond because being a big fish in a small pond is better than the same size fish in the ocean. In your particular niche, you want to use positioning techniques to put yourself up as an expert, a celebrity, or ideally a celebrity expert.

The ways to go about doing this involve much more time than we have in this podcast, but I want you to be thinking about, how are you positioning yourself to make it so that you are perceived as an expert. Perception is not always reality. But if you do know your stuff, that's going to be making it easier for you to have perception match that reality. So, how can you [00:03:00] be the expert? How can you be the celebrity to your market? And how can you reach that celebrity expert status? If you do, everything else will be easier because you'll know by looking around and just observation, that the celebrity, the expert, doesn't have to work nearly as hard to communicate their message because it's received as fact regardless of how hard they work. So it's not that they don't work hard. It's not that they're not smart. It's that because they've put themselves in a position of expert, celebrity, or celebrity expert status, everything they do is a little bit easier. You can get there as well. This is Ryan Chapman with Fix Your Funnel. Keep moving forward.